Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Crash Test Dummies

Sadly, clumsiness runs in the family, running prominently in Riley and me. While I was pregnant with him, I fell several times, after which Monkey wanted to cover me in bubble wrap everytime I went out. I quickly gained the nickname "Crash Test Dummy". Even before (and many times after), I have had countless accidents due to my clumsiness.

Riley is quickly catching up too. He has fallen from his changing table (I cried with him when it happened), from couches, beds, while trying to stand up, you know the drill, its what happens when you are trying to grow and discover new things. My little Rambo is very inquisitive and loves to climb, explore and get up to mischief. The last fall he had a few days ago nearly gave me a heart attack. He was busy playing on our bed, with me next to him. While I was busy preparing his medication (he has tonsilitis), he stood up on the pillows, like he loves to do lately, and hold onto the wall. Then he lets himself fall backwards onto the bed. Apparently its a lot of fun. But this time, he was close to the edge, opposite me, so when he fell, half his body missed the bed and he sumersaulted onto the floor. It happened so quickly, that I didnt have time to catch him in mid air. I ran to him and scooped him up while he screamed blue murder for five minutes. Then it was over and he carried on playing. Nothing was broken, all was good. Phew!

The very next evening, which was last night actually, Riley and I had our traditional wrestling on the bed before bedtime. I lasted all of 5 minutes then I was ready to give up. That kid has an immense strenght for a 11 month old! He pulled my hair, climbed on my chest and tried several times to bite me. So I put a stop to it eventually and announced it was time to drink bottie and go to sleep. I reached back with my hand to grab his bottle, and suddenly I felt myself slipping, fast, onto the floor. I didnt realise I was close to the edge of the bed and so I fell backwards on my butt and hit my head on one of the tables near the wall. I screamed in pain while Riley just sat on the bed, his eyes wide as saucers. Monkey came running into the room, expecting another Riley fall, when he saw me sprawled on the floor, struggling to get up. He helped me up and was a bit hesitant to laugh, but as soon as I started, he sighed and laughed too. He said that between Riley and me, we are going to give him heart failure very soon.

Unfortunately, I dont think this is the end of it. Im sure there will be more scrapes and bruises to follow - just hope its more me than Riley though!

1 comment:

  1. Hehe I can just picture all this going down.
    Tommy has this thing where he dives onto bean bags and the other day he missed the bean bag and went head first into the table, he still has the big blue forehead to show for it.
